Christmas Box Magic Guide!

Author: Gifted from the Heart   Date Posted:11 August 2023 

How to create the Perfect Christmas Box! Using a Personalised Christmas Box for children can help add to the excitement of Christmas and create special memories of Christmas magic. Here are some ideas on what to include in your keepsake Christmas Tin.

Christmas seems to come around faster and faster each year! 

Using a Personalised Christmas Box, December Box or Christmas Eve Box  for your child or the family can help add to the excitement of Christmas and create special memories of Christmas magic.

We have collected some great ideas on how to assemble your Christmas Box to save you valuable time and energy:

  1. Customization: Ensure that each child's box is personalized with their name on it. This will make them feel special and build anticipation as they have something unique just for them.
  2. Sound module: Our box includes a super recordable sweet sound module. You can choose to record a message from your child to Santa to leave under the tree. A new massage can be recorded each year! You could also choose to have a recording of a Santa message for your child! Imagine their excitement getting a message from the big buy himself! There are websites & apps you can easily get a realistic sounding Santa message personalised for your child.
  3. Choose a durable box: Having a solid box that will last for use year after year after year will allow it to be a special memory of your child’s Christmas magic.
  4. Add a new ornament each year: Your child will accumulate a meaningful collection of ornaments that can be stored inside the box each year and added to the tree.
  5. Countdown to Christmas: Use the box as part of a countdown to Christmas. You can start the tradition on December 1st, and each day leading up to Christmas, the child can open a small gift or activity from the box. It builds excitement and keeps the magic alive throughout the holiday season.
  6. Magical Reveal: Wrap the items inside the box individually or in beautiful Christmas-themed wrapping paper. This way, the child gets to experience the joy of unwrapping and discovering surprises inside, leading up to Christmas,  just like Christmas morning.
  7. Include Christmas-themed Activities: Add activities that the child can enjoy with the family or friends during the holiday season. This could include making Christmas ornaments, baking cookies, watching Christmas movies, or going to see Christmas lights.
  8. Santa's Letter or Video: Include a personalized letter from Santa Claus himself, or even a short video message. Many websites offer personalized videos from Santa, which can be a delightful addition to the Christmas box. Our box  even includes a certificate from the North Pole for you to personalise.
  9. Magical Stories: Add a Christmas-themed book or stories related to the holiday season. Reading together as a family can create beautiful bonding moments and add to the magic of Christmas.
  10. DIY Crafts: Include some craft supplies and instructions for making their Christmas decorations or cards. This will encourage creativity and provide a wonderful way to spend time together.
  11. Small Gifts: Include a few small gifts that the child has been wanting. These don't have to be expensive, but thoughtful gifts that show you know their interests and preferences will make the box even more special.
  12. Christmas Wish List: Encourage the child to write a letter to Santa and place it in the box. You can later take the letters to be "sent" to the North Pole.
  13. Capture the Moments: Don't forget to capture the child's reactions as they open their Christmas box and experience the surprises. These pictures and videos will become treasured memories in the future.
  14. Family Tradition: Turn the Christmas box into a family tradition by making it an annual event. As the child grows older, the box can evolve to suit their changing interests and preferences. It can store their own ornament collection to be added to the tree each year.
  15. Add some Christmas Pyjamas: There are so many options of cute Christmas themed pyjamas available now , for all ages, which help to increase the excitement of the holidays and make for the cutest photo opportunities right?
  16. Christmas Cards: Add a packet of Christmas cards for your child to write to their friends and family.  

 Remember, the key is to make the experience personal, magical, and enjoyable. By doing so, you'll create lasting memories of Christmas for your children that they'll cherish for years to come.


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